
Kellie O’Donnell

Kellie O’Donnell is a Portland, OR based photographer. Kellie is interested in the intersection of the human experience in connection to a place. How and where are our stories born? And how do these narratives and places change over time? Kellie is passionate about following the threads of where this artistic journey is leading and is grateful for the ways in which it feels like an invitation for growth and further curiosity.

Kellie’s work currently centers around sharing images of the natural world (both as it is and how it is imagined) with hopes of inviting further conversation. By sharing their artistic vision, Kellie’s intention is to engage, inspire and encourage others to explore their own creative paths and perhaps share a little of what is discovered along the way.

Tim Sexton

Tim Sexton is a New York-based artistic and documentary photographer who has been producing digital media and visual media consulting in the commercial space for the past 8 years. Tim is an entrepreneur, business owner, and activist focused on a variety of social issues. His commitment to photography, both commercially and artistically, allows him to explore the spaces his unique access provides and to create greater public awareness around the issues and organizations he engages.

Recent projects include self-driven photographic concepts, development of social organizations\’ ideas, and his new direction into documentary video, supported by a Documentary Australia fellowship in 2019. His current project Ceaseless Shadows is an exploration of the hidden, yet pervasive, experiences of human trafficking.

His work has been featured and acquired from various exhibitions throughout the USA and Australia.