
Your membership helps First Light Collective fulfill its mission through our programs, our endeavors to promote and amplify your work, and build our community of creatives.

If you\’re looking for a creative community to get your work to the next level, you\’ve found a home!

Your membership includes:
– Community providing inspiration, camaraderie and skills sharing through our events
– Expanded social media visibility through first light\’s social channels
– Networking and co-endorsement opportunities
– Invitations to members-only workshops, SALONS, and guest lectures
– Ongoing, updated information of upcoming submissions, opportunities, and contests
– Enhanced exposure through future collective exhibitions
– Photobook club recommendations and workshops
– Portfolio review opportunities (from associated professionals)
– Upskilling through members-only challenges and review
– Opportunities for art sales via exhibition, online exposure, and provided NFT channels
– Potential inclusion in collective published work (photobooks, zines)
– Discounts at partner business